District Committee of the JCGOP Jackson County, Oklahoma Republican Party

The Jackson County Congressional District Committee consists of the CCounty Chairman, Gregory Hawn, County Vice Chairman, Thomas Glosser, and
Two Congressional District (CD 3) Committee members, Diana Gillihan and VACANT.

Authority and Duties

The Jackson County Executive Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, confers with them, and offers plans and suggestions that will serve and advance the best interests of the welfare of the Republican Party. They also meet prior to any County Convention to make recommendations to the County Chairman for the organization of the County Convention.


Meetings are held at the joint call of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. If either is unable or unwilling to call for a meeting, the other may do so. If both the Chairman and Vice Chairman are unable or unwilling to call for a meeting, then 1/4 of the existing committee members may call for a meeting (effectively 2 EC members). Five (5) days notice in writing or via electronic means to the County Committee is required, regardless of which committee members call for the meeting.

The JCGOP Executive Committee normally attempts to meet on a monthly basis, in the first or second week, or at some point prior to the Jackson County Committee meeting, which is routinely held on the 4th Monday of the month.


If any Jackson County Executive Committee member dies, moves from the county, resigns, or otherwise becomes disqualified, then the Jackson County Chairman and Vice Chairman shall jointly fill such vacancy. If they cannot agree upon any such appointment, then the Jackson County Central Committee will appoint a replacement. If the members of the County Central Committee cannot agree then the vacancy will be brought before the County Executive Committee.

Meeting Agenda

JCGOP Executive Committee meetings are generally conducted in the following manner:

  • Opening Prayer
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Chairman Comments
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Closing Remarks
  • Closing Prayer
  • Dismissal

JCGOP 2022

We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.

~ Theodore Roosevelt ~

There is a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.

~ Ronald W. Reagan ~

A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take everything you have.

~ Gerald R. Ford ~

Organizing Action In Jackson County

Other JCGOP Committees

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Precinct Committees

Precinct Committeemen are people like you who represent voters in the community and make up the foundation of our Republican Party.

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County Committee

The JCGOP County Committee consists of County Chairman and Vice Chairman, two State Committeemen, two Congressional Disctrict Committeemen, and all Precinct Chairmen and Vice Chairmen.

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Central Committee

The Jackson County Central Committee consistes of the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, and the two State Committeemen.

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County Executive Committee

TThe County Executive Committee consists of the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, two State Committeemen, and two Congressional Disctrict Committeemen.

Notable Quotes

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